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  • Team Name: Yatima Inc.
  • Payment Address: 3N2bLsFX6UtJ3MXdnVvm87dHaQTPutDiqA

Project Overview 📄​


  • Summary: A lambda-VM and programming language for Substrate chains, with on-chain formal verification and IPFS package management.

  • Description: Yatima is a dependently typed functional programming language implemented in Rust featuring substructural types, metaprogramming, and content addressing via IPFS.

  • Relevance to Substrate: The language core, including parsing, elaboration, serialization/deserialization, typechecking, evaluation, etc. can compile to Substrate compatible WASM (no_std via Substrate's sp_std standard library), and thus can be utilized within a Substrate Pallet.

  • Our interest: In order for decentralized technologies to gain widespread adoption, users have to trust that the infrastructure they are using is safe, and that they are not just replacing counterparty risk with technical risk. We believe that functional programming and formal proofs offer a possible path towards increasing the safety and reliability of all software, not just in blockchain.

Project Details​

Many blockchain projects are exploring strongly-typed functional programming as a paradigm for writing smart contracts and DApps. Examples include Cardano's Plutus, Tezos' Michelson, Kadena's Pact and Digital Asset's DAML. The type safety and composability of functional programs make them an exciting option for writing high-assurance smart contracts.

Yatima aims to help develop the functional programming ecosystem on Substrate and the Polkadot ecosystem. We have developed a graph-based runtime for the Yatima language with fully lazy evaluation, sharing, and whole program optimization. This runtime could also be targeted by other functional languages. The Yatima runtime is similar in many respects to Haskell Core, or the GRIN IR but is implemented in deterministic no_std Rust, which allows it to run virtually anywhere, including the web, WASM blockchains, or even embedded systems (in theory).

Yatima also implements a powerful dependent and substructural type-system, similar to Idris 2. This enables formal verification and theorem proving (although crucial features for practical proving such as inference and tactics are not yet implemented). Proofs allow for many useful optimizations in the area of smart contracts, such as static detection of arithmetic overflow or division by zero errors, or tracking of resources and permissions via an effect system. Furthermore, since Yatima can be implemented in itself, there is a possiblity of having on-chain trustless proof verification.

Lastly, Yatima implements content-addressing, allowing all programs and packages to be serialized into IPLD objects and shared over the peer-to-peer IPFS network (or via libp2p).


  • A sp_ipld crate for interacting with IPFS CID, Multihash and IPLD based on ipfs-rust/libipld, but which is Substrate pallet compatible. This is a necessary dependency for Yatima Core, but is an independent deliverable that could be useful for many other Substrate projects.

  • A sp_im crate for creating immutable datastructures, based on bodil/im-rs, but which is Substrate pallet compatible. This is a necessary dependency for Yatima Core, but is an independent deliverable that could be useful for many other Substrate projects.

  • A sp_yatima crate integrated with sp_ipld, sp_im and sp_std that packages the yatima_core crate and a yatima-node repository based on the substrate-node-template showcasing how sp_yatima can be imported into a Substrate Node as a pallet.

This proposal does not include in its scope:

  • Implementing a smart contract eDSL in Yatima.
  • Integrating "effectful" features like contract deployment, calling or compatiblity with pallet_contracts.

We would plan to propose the above for follow-up work upon satisfactory completion of the above deliverables.

Ecosystem Fit​

  • Where and how does your project fit into the ecosystem?

Yatima fits into the Substrate ecosystem in a few ways:

  1. The runtime can be used like a functional VM that could potentially be targeted by a variety of other functional programming languages, including Plutus, Pact, Simplicity, etc.
  2. The Yatima language itself can be called from within Rust, and potentially can integrate with ink as a kind of lightweight functional evaluator or garbage collector for pure expressions, with ink or pallet_contracts handling calling conventions and effects. This would be similar to the relationship between JS and WASM on the web.
  3. The Yatima typechecker can be embedded in a contract and exposed as an on-chain verifier or prover.
  4. In the future, Yatima could handle effects and contract calls itself, and can become a fully viable smart contract language.
  5. Eventually there could be Yatima-based parachains with entirely different models for how smart contracts should interact.
  • Who is your target audience (parachain/dapp/wallet/UI developers, designers, your own user base, some dapp's userbase, yourself)?

Our target audience is smart contract and parachain developers.

  • What need(s) does your project meet?

One of the strengths of a heterogeneous blockchain ecosystem like Substrate / Polkadot / Kusama ecosystem is the ability for radically different approaches to coexist and provide value to one another. Other systems have more of a requirement for a single execution environment. So while in the long run we hope to execute on our ambition of "better living through FP", even in the short run the existence of an interoperable FP option will showcase one of the key Substrate innovations in this space.

Additionally, Yatima is designed in a modular way, so that different components and dependencies can provide value to other projects, such as sp_im, sp_ipld libraries, or the graph-reduction runtime.

  • Are there any other projects similar to yours in the Substrate / Polkadot / Kusama ecosystem?

    • If so, how is your project different?
    • If not, are there similar projects in related ecosystems?

    I am not aware of similar projects in the Substrate ecosystem but would be excited to connect with anyone doing something related!

    In other ecosystems projects with some degree of overlap are:

    1. Plutus
    2. Idris2
    3. Pact
    4. Kind (formerly Formality)
    5. Unison

Team 👥​

Team members​

  • Name of team leader: John Burnham
  • Names of team members
    • Gabriel Barreto
    • Anders Sorby
    • Sam Burnham
    • Caden Haustein


  • Registered Address: 118 Parker St, Newton MA 02459, USA
  • Registered Legal Entity: Yatima Inc.

Team's experience​

John and Gabriel have been working on designing functional programming languages together for over 2 years and previously coauthored the Formality language, which was supported by an Ethereum Foundation Grant (which John presented on at Devcon5)

Prior to that, John worked on Tezos where he created and led initial development of the Morley Framework, as well as creating the TZIP standards process. Before that, John cofounded He was a Thiel Fellow in 2011 and dropped out of Dartmouth College.

Gabriel previously worked at the Ethereum Foundation and received his Master in Math at the Federal University of Bahia (Salvador, Brazil), where his dissertation was titled "On the Category of Deductive Systems".

Anders is a full stack and machine learning engineer by background, and received his Masters in Applied Physics and Mathematics from the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology.

Sam recently graduated from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Computer Engineering. He has previously worked on embedded systems in Rust and C including industrial HVAC controllers at

Caden is the creator of the mlatu functional concatenative programming language. He is interning at Yatima Inc for the summer.

Team Code Repos​

Please also provide the GitHub accounts of all team members. If they contain no activity, references to projects hosted elsewhere or live are also fine.

Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)​

Please email for team member CVs.

Development Status 📖​

Yatima Rust implementation​

The language is still pre-alpha, but is rapidly nearing it's first numbered alpha version. A brief overview of the current state of the implementation:

The core subcrate contains the deterministic no_std language core:

  • nom parsers for the core syntax

  • A Rust quasiquotation macro that allows yatima to be used as a functional eDSL directly in Rust. We implement much of the type-system this way.

  • a typedef syntax sugar for generating raw core self-type lambda-encoded datatypes. The syntax:

    type List (A: Type) {
    Cons A (List A)

    Is actually non primitive and generates the raw terms:

    def List : ∀ (0 A: Type) -> Type
    = λ A => @List.self ∀
    (0 P: ∀ (self: (List) A) -> Type)
    (& Nil: P (data λ P List.Nil List.Cons => List.Nil))
    (& Cons: ∀ (_: A) (_: (List) A)
    -> P (data λ P List.Nil List.Cons => List.Cons _ _))
    -> P List.self

    def List.Nil : ∀ (0 A: Type) -> List A
    = λ A => data λ P List.Nil List.Cons => List.Nil

    def List.Cons : ∀ (0 A: Type) (_: A) (_: List A) -> List A
    = λ A _ _ => data λ P List.Nil List.Cons => List.Cons _ _

    This lambda encoding construction is too arcane to be user-facing, even in the core language, but it is extremely powerful on a theory level, and is what allows Yatima to implement dependent types in a fraction of the code length of e.g. the language core of Idris2.

  • the λ-DAG based evaluator, with a typechecking version and a runtime version (where non-runtime relevant type information is erased). This uses extensive unsafe Rust due its heavy use of raw-pointers, doubly-linked-lists (core/

  • The serialization system to embed Yatima terms, definitions and packages into IPLD. The system is compatible with the go-ipfs reference implementation so that content-ids (CIDs) computed by the core match the CIDs once an object is uploaded to ipfs

  • Exposed Rust primitive and operations, such as signed and unsigned ints, BigInt, Text (from our fork of ropey rather than String)

The utils subcrate contains the REPL, the file parser, the ipfs client, and other pieces of infrastructure that cannot be no_std. Our vision is that different platforms will have different implementations of this utils crate.

We currently have sp_im and sp_ipld subcrates for our ports of the im and libipld libraries to a no_std + sp_std setting. These are currently being factored out into their own repositories.

The web subcrate contains a very rough prototype of a web repl.

Yatima Standard Library​

The Yatima standard library is in its early stages, but contains definitions for a variety of different datatypes, such as vector, b_tree, preliminary work on theorem proving structures like a propositional equality type (equal.ya), as well as a bare-bones port of the Haskell megaparsec parser combinator library (parsec.ya).

In vector.ya we can see an example of using proofs to show that we can always take the head of a non-empty Vector:

type Vector (A: Type): ∀ (ω k: Natural) -> Type {
Nil: Vector A Natural.Z,
Cons (0 k: Natural) (x: A) (xs: Vector A k): Vector A (Natural.S k),

def Vector.head (0 A: Type) (k: Natural) (a : Vector A (Natural.S k)): A
= ((case a) (λ k' self => ∀ (Equal Natural (Natural.S k) k') -> A)
(λ e => Empty.absurd A (Natural.Z_isnt_S k e))
(λ k x xs e => x))
(Equal.Refl Natural (Natural.S k))

The parser library is particulary interesting due the combination of dependent types with parsers allowing for lifting of parse errors to type errors, and thus allowing for metaprogramming constructs or macros to be defined directly in the Yatima base language:

â…„ Parser.parsed Char (Parser.char 'f') "f"
: Parsed Char ( Char (Parser.char 'f') (State.init "f"))
â…„ Char.eql 'f' (Parser.parsed Char (Parser.char 'f') "f")
: Bool
â…„ Char.eql 'f' (Parser.parsed Char (Parser.char 'f') "a")
Type Error: Type Mismatch from 1:15 to 1:55 in bafk2bzacectxsdnlokzhsmqxklxxc2qmhhz4hro2wh7dmsx6lwmqdv4xwwq4m
• Expected: #Char
• Detected: ...

Yatima Haskell prototype​

This is an early experimental version of the language built to test ideas around combining self-types with Quantitative Type Theory, and whether the content addressing with IPFS was viable in that context. We include it here to illustrate how a language like Yatima can be built in an existing functional language (with its own runtime), using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). This is how we plan to implement Yatima in itself once the language is more mature.

sp_ipld and sp_im​

We have prototypes of the sp_ipld and sp_im repositories here:

These have some initial functionality, but are lacking significant features, test-coverage, and documentation. However, what exists is sufficient to demonstrate that these libraries can be built in a no_std context using the sp_std library.

Relevant Papers and prior art​

Development Roadmap 🔩​


  • Total Estimated Duration: 3 months
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 4
  • Total Costs: 29,999 USD

Milestone 1 - Implement sp_ipld: A Substrate Pallet compatible IPLD library​

  • Estimated duration: 3 weeks
  • FTE: 2
  • Costs: 7,500 USD
0b.DocumentationWe will enhance inline documentation, and write a tutorial on how to import and use sp_ipld in Substrate.
0c.Testing GuideWe will extend existing libipld unit tests with more coverage, add quickcheck property tests and integration tests with go-ipfs for ensuring CID compatibility
0d.NixWe will provide a .nix expression which can immutably build this crate and all tests
1a.Substrate module: sp_ipldWe will create a Substrate module based on ipfs-rust/ipld that will allow for serializing and deserializing IPLD objects via the dag-cbor codec and computing IPFS CIDs which are compatible with go-ipfs.
1b.dag-json featureWe will implement the dag-json codec for the sp_ipld module, as well as a textual JSON format
1c.Substrate module: sp_cidWe will implement a documented no_std version of the ipfs-rust/ipld dependency multiformats/cid
1d.Substrate module: sp_multihashWe will implement a documented no_std version of the ipfs-rust/ipld dependency multiformats/rust-multihash
1e.Substrate module: bytecursorWe will implement a documented no_std drop-in replacement library for the std::io::Read std::io::Write based serialization/deserialization functions used by ipfs-rust/ipld

Milestone 2 - Implement sp_im: A Substrate Pallet compatible immutable datastructures library​

  • Estimated duration: 3 weeks
  • FTE: 2
  • Costs: 7,500 USD
0b.DocumentationWe will enhance inline documentation, and write a tutorial on how to import and use sp_im in Substrate.
0c.Testing GuideWe will port existing im tests to quickcheck, and add additional unit tests where appropriate
0d.NixWe will provide a .nix expression which can immutably build this crate and all tests
1.Substrate module: sp_imWe will create a Substrate module that will allow for creating and manipulating performant immutable datastructures such as cons-lists, vectors based on rrb trees and maps/sets based on btrees

Milestone 3 - Implement sp_yatima: A Substrate Pallet Yatima module​

  • Estimated Duration: 6 weeks
  • FTE: 2
  • Costs: 14,999 USD
0b.DocumentationWe will provide inline documentation, write a tutorial on the language itself, and a tutorial to import and use sp_yatima in Substrate.
0c.Testing GuideWe will extend existing unit, property and integration tests where appropriate.
0d.NixWe will provide a .nix expression which can immutably build this crate and all tests
1.Substrate module: sp_yatimaWe will create a Substrate module that will allow for parsing, typechecking and evaluating Yatima language expressions
2.Repository: yatima-nodeWe will create a fork of the substrate-node-template that imports sp_yatima

Future Plans​

If this initial project is successful, we plan to apply for a follow-up grant to add side-effects and smart contract eDSL features to Yatima. We would like Yatima to be an option for developers who wish to use functional programming to develop smart contracts.

We also intend to implement a Substrate chain using the Yatima runtime, and to explore the possibility of integrating with Kusama and Polkadot via a bridge, parathread or parachain.

Additionally, we would like to explore other applications of Yatima, including developing the web environment further, and exploring frontend application development, possibly via a model like Another possible area of exploration would be to integrate with the lunatic runtime, which uses WASM modules to provide Erlang style lightweight processes (green threads). There is some indication that content addressing is a good fit for this, given the work Unison has done on distributed systems.

Additional Information ➕​

How did you hear about the Grants Program? Web3 Foundation Website

  • Whether there are any other teams who have already contributed (financially) to the project.

Previous work on Yatima and predecessor projects has been supported by grants from the Ethereum Foundation and the IOTA Foundation.