- Team Name: hack-ink
- Payment Address: 0xccd79b2b77e71292924e85de130bfb1c03d94522 (Ethereum) USDC
- Level: 2
Project Overview 📄​
Slothunter is a Rust CLI program.
It's goal is to help teams/users to participate in the Polkadot auction more easily and efficiently.
Ecosystem Fit​
I noticed nobody realized there was a slot action, and no one participated in it until Kusama's 58th auction ended.
This could help small teams to catch the chance.
And this also could help teams/users to bid/contribute automatically.
Slothunter will be implemented in Rust, ensuring efficiency and stability when running as a system service.
This grant comprises 7 parts:
- Monitor the auction state.
- The program will run as a system service.
- It will fetch and cache the chain state periodically.
- Calculate the current winner.
- Based on the latest on-chain data, the current auction winner will be calculated.
- Email and webhook notifications.
- The notifications will inform users about:
- New auctions starting.
- New bids/contributions.
- Stopping bids/contributions and the reasons.
- Current block winners.
- Auction endings.
- Email and webhook addresses are configurable.
- Notifications will be logged in the terminal by default.
- Users can enable or disable email/webhook notifications. e.g., Some users may find emails annoying.
- All notification content will be presented in JSON format.
- Webhook notifications can be integrated with Slack, Telegram, etc., e.g., a Telegram bot will provide a listening address, and Slothunter will push notifications to the bot periodically.
- The notifications will inform users about:
- Auto bidding/contributing.
- The bot will auto bid/contribute when there's a new winner and stop if the new winner's price exceeds the maximum acceptable value in the configuration file.
- Proxy accounts can be used for bidding/contributing.
- Customize bidding/contributing strategies, including:
- Setting a maximum acceptable value.
- Setting bidding/contributing increments.
- Provide a config.toml to configure:
- Relaychain.
- Bidding/contributing account.
- Bidding/contributing target, amount, and maximum acceptable price.
- Notification email sender and receivers.
- Notification webhooks.
- A Telegram bot that can be easily deployed on any Ubuntu 20.04+ server.
Teams/users can start the bot before the auction, and everything should proceed as expected. Teams/users can deploy the Telegram bot and receive the latest auction status in a group.
Team 👥​
Team members​
- Xavier Lau
- Contact Name: Xavier Lau
- Contact Email:
- Website:
Legal Structure​
Personal. (no legal structure entry)
Team's experience​
- Six years of experience in Rust.
- Three years of experience in Substrate.
- Darwinia Network core developer, since 2019.
- Actively at Substrate StackExchange.
- Grants contributor, Subalfred.
Team Code Repos​
Please also provide the GitHub accounts of all team members. If they contain no activity, references to projects hosted elsewhere or live are also fine.
Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)​
- Total Estimated Duration: 5 weeks
- Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 FTE
- Total Costs: 11,000 USD
Milestone 1 Slothunter CLI tool​
- Estimated duration: 4 weeks
- FTE: 1
- Costs: 10,000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
0a. | License | GPLv3 |
0b. | Documentation | There will be a guide to tell people how to use this. |
0c. | Testing guide | There will be a docker file and a guide to tell the auditor how to run the tests. It will guide you how to setup an auction and do the tests. |
1. | Auction winner calculator | Based on the 0c., run the binary, you should see the current winner from the terminal log. |
2. | Notification component | Based on the 0c., run the binary, you should receive these notification correctly. |
3. | Auto bidding/contributing component | Based on the 0c., run the binary, you should see you are bidding/contributing your parathread from the Polkadot Apps. |
4. | Slothunter configuration component | Based on the 3., you can customize your bidding/contributing strategy in a toml file, you should see your bidding/contributing behavior works the same as the strategy defined. |
5. | Releases | Linux, macOS, Windows prebuilt binaries, and release. |
Milestone 2 Slothunter notification Slack/Telegram bot setup guide​
- Estimated duration: 1 weeks
- FTE: 1
- Costs: 1,000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
0a. | License | GPLv3 |
0b. | Documentation | There will be a guide to tell people how to use this. |
0c. | Testing guide | There will be a guide to tell the auditor how to run the tests. |
1. | Telegram bot. | A telegram bot program to receive the auction notification and easy to deploy on any Ubuntu 20.04+ server. |
2. | Workshop repository | Follow the tutorial in this repository to setup the bot, and you should see the notification appear in Slack and Telegram. |
Future Plans​
- Keep connected with the community/parity and make it better.
Additional Information ➕​
We could talk about the bidding/contributing strategy. It's really flexible. If anyone got more ideas. I can integrate them into the program.
I have talked to some teams few months ago. Because they ask me what script did I use during the bidding. Can I share it? Actually, I set some proxies accounts and share them with my team members. Then we watch the auction manually. If there is a new winner we could bid immediately.
As I said before, there is even an empty auction in Kusama. This is not friendly and not good for the ecosystem. So, I decided to develop this. And I think it is valuable.
How did you hear about the Grants Program? GitHub.