- Team Name: NA
-Status: Terminated
- Level: 1
Project Overview 📄​
Mempool Explorer enables Polkadot ecosystem members to monitor pending transactions across several parameters and gain meaningful insights.
Follow-up of Mempool Dashboard - Version 1
- Link to the phase 1 project: medium
However the project was created by a different team, Protofire. Currently it's not in working condition, the provided link https://mempool.dot.protofire.io/ doesn't work anymore.
Version 2 of mempool dashboard, is a tool to monitor pending transactions in Polkadot, Kusama, Westend, Rococo and you can add your customized network.
Current issues with the initial implementation
version 1 of the mempool dashboard is not in working condition. I took this opportunity to revive the project and create a next version of the original project by fixing the current issues, creating a new UI to enhance user experience and readability and improvements to the API.
My first task was to understand the codebase, identify the current issue and provide a fix for it. After applying a few patches I was able to restore back to the original state, however still with few issues.
Noteable issues
feature to view accounts/txn details not working properly across different networks
lack of proper code documentation ( it was difficult for me to understand the codebase initially )
and set of exhaustive open issues https://github.com/muddlebee/polkadot-mempool-explorer/issues
track of patches/fixes done till date - https://github.com/muddlebee/polkadot-mempool-explorer/commits/dev
We have fixed majority of the issues already.
What's in version 2
new UI for desktop and mobile view figma link
fix the existing issues
enable CI/CD deployment to the hosted servers and fix docker scripts
series of tutorials on polkadot-js APIs
Currently there's a lack of proper tutorials/education materials for anything polkadot-js API related stuff other than the official docs. I would like to create an extensive tutorial on how to consume polkadot-js APIs (more details in Milestone section).
why create a separate set of tutorials?
currently the polkadot JS docs is difficult for beginners with zero or less technical knowledge about the polkadot architecture to understand properly.
easy to learn and develop using polkadot JS APIs/SDKs as compared to substrate in Rust
Project Details​
Github: https://github.com/muddlebee/polkadot-mempool-explorer
API : /api folder
Frontend: /web folder
API uses nodejs on top of polkadot js API
Frontend uses React to render the transaction blocks in the UI
Note We already have done 50% of the proposed work, and its live in the url below
Technology stack​
javascript, nodejs, react
polkadot js API
Ecosystem Fit​
Solution that would allow members of the Polkadot ecosystem to monitor information related to pending transactions.
More details has been published in the phase 1 delivery report medium
Tutorials for polkadot JS APIs will help educate folks who are not expert in Rust/Substrate and want to adopt JS first approach first. We have many examples of live webapps integrating polkadot JS APIs like wallets, tools etc.
Team 👥​
Team members​
Name of team leader:​
- Anwesh Nayak (@muddlebee)
Names of team members:​
Arnav Nayak
Dikhyant Krishna
Contact Name: Anwesh Nayak
Contact Email: anweshknayak@gmail.com
Legal Structure​
Registered Address: NA
Registered Legal Entity: NA
Team's experience​
I have around 5 years of experience in full stack development. Currently work as a tech lead at B2B fintech firm. Also a polkadot ambassador and the community moderator of the official polkadot/kusama discord. I have been contributing to the ecosystem since last year. Also participated in Thousand Contributors Programme by w3f and have been adding suggestions/improvements across the w3f github projects.
Arnav, our lead designer has 2 years of experience in product design prior to that used to work as a architect with few years of experience.
Dikhyant, frontend developer has around 2 years of experience in web development, creating UI out of design specs.
Team Code Repos​
- Currently hosted here https://github.com/muddlebee/polkadot-mempool-explorer
will move to a separate github repo once grant is approved
Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)​
https://www.linkedin.com/in/anweshnayak/ Anwesh Nayak
https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnav-nayak-321595141/ Arnav Nayak
https://www.linkedin.com/in/dikhyantkrishnadalai/ Dikhyant Krishna
Development Roadmap 🔩​
Total Estimated Duration: 7-8 weeks
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 3
Total Costs: 9000 USD
Milestone 1​
version 2 of mempool dashboard and polkadot js API tutorials​
Estimated Duration: 7-8 weeks
FTE: 3
Costs: 9000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
0a. | License | APACHE 2 |
0b. | Documentation | We will provide both inline documentation of the code and a basic tutorial that explains how to view pending transactions in dashboard |
0c. | Testing and Testing Guide | Core functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests. |
0d. | Docker | We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone. |
1. | new UI for desktop and mobile view and fix existing issues | |
2. | enhance the APIs and fix existing issues | |
3. | enable CI/CD | spin up a server instance for hosting the backend and deploying the frontend at github pages |
4a | polkadot js API tutorials | We will provide both inline documentation of the code and a series of tutorial that explains how to run sample examples |
4b | Graphics/Illustrations | Illustrations wherever required to explain complex topics |
4c | Publish tutorials online | Use a technical documentation tool to publish the tutorials online |
Sample tutorials
- https://github.com/muddlebee/polkadot-js-beginner-series
- https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/index.html
Chapters overview
Explain the basics of polkadot architecture
Role of polkadot JS API, substrate and how to interact with the live blockchain
How to fetch the metadata, and what are the metadata of the blockchain? https://polkadot.js.org/docs/api/start/basics
What's the purpose of polkadot js console and how to use it? https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/
Explain transaction lifecycle, and how to perform transactions through the API
and more .....
Overall goal it to curate a series of tutorials to build the concepts of polkadot blockchain.
Cost breakup​
Design - 1500 USD
Frontend - 1500 USD
API/backend - 2500 USD
CI/CD setup + server costs/maintenance - 500 USD
polkadot js API tutorials - 3000 USD
Future Plans​
Version 2 of polkadot JS tutorials​
Create a extensive and expanded set of tutorials covering most of the polkadot JS APIs
Make it good enough so it can be integrated and added over to the education repo at w3f https://github.com/w3f/w3f-education
Expand the goal of education through quality content
Add good explanatory graphics to explain the basic concepts