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Generic sybil-resistant chat based faucet bot

  • Team Name: Nikita Orlov PR
  • Payment Address: 0x49F19FA78C4E766b8C5592e53CC35b1411a5E11f (USDC/DAI)
  • Level: 1

Project Overview


Sybil-resistant faucet is a generic chat bot based faucet solution that can be used on any existing parachain (substrate-based chain, either pallets or ink! smart contracts).

Project Details


bot that handle all messages like /request {wallet_public_address}, and trying to send tokens if it eligible

Technology stack

  • Golang
  • Redis
  • Discord sdk (go)
  • Matrix sdk (go)




To make the faucet generic, it will store its configuration settings in .env file which will include the following settings:

  • DRIP_CAP - how many tokens to send per request
  • DRIP_DELAY - how often user's can request to drip tokens (in ms)
  • REDIS_ENDPOINT - Redis instance endpoint
  • RPC_ENDPOINT - Substrate node endpoint
  • FAUCET_ACCOUNT_MNEMONIC - mnemonic of faucet's wallet

Based on addons, it can be credentials for any platform, what will be used, in based version discord/matrix.

Ecosystem Fit

Many dApps are facing an issue where it’s difficult to onboard new users. Thus, the goal is to simplify the process by making it easier for parachain and dApp developers to spin up their own faucets, and give users free tokens without people exploiting the system. In order to make the system sybil-resistant, centralised solutions like Discord, Matrix and any other chat based platforms, that will uniquely identify users, and enable requesting tokens to the account only once per given time period.

Some similar projects include:

The advantages of this project are that similar projects are implemented specifically for one platform, this project will be implemented on the interface, and the platforms (Discord, matrix and etc) will be like addons (classes) that correspond to the interface, which will allow you to easily connect new platforms, do not depend on the implementation of platforms, will allow you to run unlimited number of platforms at the same time.

That is, to integrate a new platform, you will need to implement an interface, and cybil resist, message processing and other functionality will already work out of the box. Also, the implementation of new functionality requires only a change in one point of code, if this does not affect the interface.


Team members

  • Nikita Orlov


  • Registered Address: Jurija Gagarina 231, Beograd
  • Registered Legal Entity: Nikita Orlov PR

Team's experience

ETH Waterloo 2019 hackathon prize-winner, is a engineer with over 8 years of experience in development and integration of fault-tolerant high-loaded SaaS IT solutions including relevant experience in blockchain solutions.

Team Code Repos

Team LinkedIn Profiles

Development Roadmap


  • Total Estimated Duration: 1.5 month
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1.5 FTE
  • Total Costs: 7,500 USD

Milestone 1 — Implement the Faucet

  • Estimated duration: 1.5 month
  • FTE: 1.5
  • Costs: 7,500 USD
0a.LicenseApache 2.0
0b.DocumentationI will provide both inline documentation of the code and a tutorial that explains how a developer can spin up his/her own faucet.
0c.Testing GuideCore functions will be fully covered by unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, I will describe how to run these tests.
0d.ArticleI will publish an article that explains how the faucet works, why it was created, and how it can be used by developers.
1.Universal message interface (UMI)Implement golang interface (contract) to unify all chat providers to one standart, so we can easily use abstraction
2.DiscordGolang implementation of discord integration using open-source SDK, that support interface of UMI module
3.Matrix.orgSo same as discord, golang module
4.Wallet statusGolang module that control user/wallet faucet drip, so user will be able to receive only once in a certain period of time
5.Faucet dripGolang module that can send token to user wallet address on substrate based chain, RPC library to substrate chain through open-source library
6.Substrate demoImplement demo example on substrate template node

Future Plans

  • Keep adding another chat providers.
  • Keep maintaining the project in case of potential issues.
  • Analytics for owner with dashboard UI.