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  • Team Name: MLabs
  • Payment Address: FIAT
  • Level: 2

Project Overview 📄​

Develop a Tuxedo Web Wallet and DApp


Unlike traditional account-based systems, UTXO-based systems treat each transaction output as a distinct entity, introducing advantages in parallel processing and state transition simplicity. The Tuxedo project endeavours to demonstrate the flexibility and interoperability of Polkadot by implementing UTXO as one of its paradigms. MLabs, with expertise in the Cardano ecosystem utilizing UTXO as its core model, sees an opportunity to contribute to Tuxedo's success, address identified issues, and engage in future collaborative activities.

Our goal is to showcase the potential of Polkadot using the UTXO paradigm for the end user, leveraging Tuxedo. The project will consist of two key stages:

  • Stage 1: Developing a simple Web Wallet
  • Stage 2: Developing a basic DApp

Project Details​

  • Stage 1: Developing a simple Web Wallet

Develop a user-friendly web wallet that allows users to manage their UTXOs on the Tuxedo-based Polkadot network which is similar to polkadot.js which will get the chain info(genesisHash, runtime metadata, chain runtime version, API version), block info Focus on simplicity, security, and ease of use to provide a seamless experience for users interacting with UTXOs.

Technical Requirements

Security: : Private key storage: The web-based wallet will provide a secure method for private key storage on the client side, such as a browser's secure storage or hardware wallets.


  1. Feature Parity Between Web-Based and CLI Wallets The web-based wallet will be designed to mirror the core functionality of the CLI wallet, offering seamless UTXO synchronization and token handling, ensuring that users have an equivalent experience across both interfaces Note: Feature Parity means Means web-based and command-line interface (CLI) wallets, have the same set of features and functionalities, both versions provide an equivalent or identical user experience by offering the same core capabilities and options.

  2. Issues Fix in web-based wallet ( The current implementation of a CLI-based wallet allows sending inputs from multiple owners in a single transaction, but it only supports a single recipient for all specified outputs.

  3. Browser compatibility: Web-based wallet will ensure compatibility with Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

Blockchain Integration: Web-based wallet will connect to the blockchain node to fetch relevant data. We will check if there is any lib such as the one used by "" to interact with the Tuxedo-based blockchain for easy integration.

Transactions: web-based wallet will implement transaction creation and signing on the client side. We will consider using libraries that support the specific blockchain's transaction format for Tuxedo with UTXO instead of accounts.

Local Database: web-based wallet will consider using databases for storing non-sensitive user data. Local database (e.g., IndexedDB, WebSQL, or a lightweight client-side database) to store relevant wallet data locally on the user's device.

Tech Stack:

  • polkadot{.js} trying to re-use it if possible
  • React Framework(React + Redux + React Router) OR Vue Framework (Vue.js with Vuex and the Vue Router)
  • TypeScript
  • webpack
  • Babel for backward compatibility in older Browsers
  • IndexedDB for Local database
  • Jest as JavaScript testing framework

Wallet Wireframes: Wallet wireframes

  • Stage 2: DApp Development

Create a simple decentralized application to demonstrate the viability and maturity of the Tuxedo framework, as required by this opened ticket "Full Tuxedo App Implementation" Showcase the unique features of UTXO-based transactions on Polkadot, emphasizing scalability and robustness. Address identified gaps and limitations in the current Tuxedo product to enhance overall functionality. We think that a successful showcase of a DApp is Cryptokitties which is provided in Tuxedo via pieces in "". We want to use this concept and extend the wardrobe codebase by implementing a basic web interface and allowing breeding, trading, searching, and updating the kitty features such as name, price and tradable status of kitties. This DApp is intended for educational purposes only, and not for production use. The web wallet previously developed will be used for this DApp.

Technical Requirements

Functionality: Kitties Creation with NFTs: Represent each kitty as a unique NFT on the Tuxedo blockchain. Use Tuxedo runtime pieces i.e. kitties to handle NFT-based kitties creation transactions.

Breeding and NFT Ownership: DApp ensures NFT ownership is transferred correctly during breeding transactions. Leverage NFT attributes to determine genetics and other breeding-related factors.

Trading of kitties between users: DApp ensures Kitties can be traded between the users. Ensure ownership is transferred successfully once trading is completed.

Updating the kitty details: DApp ensures Kittie's details such as name, tradable status(Yes or No) and Price can be updated.

Search kitties owned by other users: DApp helps search the kitties other users own based on the user's public key. This displays the list of kitties owned by other users with all details required for trading such as Gender, Tradable status, Price, Parents, etc.

Blockchain Integration: Tuxedo Runtime pieces.(wardrobe/kitties ): We need Leverage Tuxedo runtime pieces for implementing specific DApp functionalities in the UTXO model, with a focus on NFTs, if some modification is required or if some new functionality is required we may need to customize runtime logic to suit the requirements of the UTXO-based DApp. For this scope, we plan to modify the kitties' pieces code to support below features:

  1. Generating the kitty without the parent when the user inserts the new key in the wallet (basically, 1 kitty is provided for free as an onboarding process)
  2. Implementing the Trading of kitties between users
  3. Searching kitties owned by other users
  4. Adding/Updating more details of kitties such as Gender, Tradable status, Price, and Name.

Transaction Handling: DApp implements transaction handling logic in the web application to initiate UTXO-based transactions, including NFT-related transactions, on the Tuxedo blockchain. Provide feedback to users on transaction status and confirmations.

Transaction Confirmation: DApp implements a transaction confirmation mechanism to ensure that users are informed about the progress and finalization of UTXO and NFT-based transactions such as Trade and Breed.

Personal Dashboard: We will develop a personal dashboard for users to view and manage their NFT-based Kitties collections. Display detailed information about each NFT, including ownership history and transaction history. Manage NFT means, it includes below :

  1. Viewing NFTs: Users should be able to see a comprehensive list or visual representation of all the NFTs (kitties) they own. Display detailed information about each NFT, including attributes such as below : Name parents(mom and dad) free_breedings(numbers) dna(H256 Hash value) num_breedings(number) Tradable(yes or No) Price Status (Ready for Raring, Tired (only for Dad), Had birth recently(only for Mom)).
  2. Trade : Users should be able to buy the kitty from other users via the search kitty screen or directly from the Trade Kitty screen by inputting the kitty & owner details.
  3. Breed : Users should be able to initiate breeding directly from the dashboard.
  4. Update : Users should be able to update features such as Tradable status, price, and name from the dashboard by clicking on any cell which will navigate to update the kitty screen.
  5. Interactivity: Make the dashboard interactive, allowing users to click on individual NFTs to access more detailed information or initiate specific actions.

Tech Stack:

  • Polkadot-JS APIs for getting block data
  • React Framework(React + Redux + React Router) OR Vue Framework (Vue.js with Vuex and the Vue Router)
  • TypeScript
  • Babel for backward compatibility in older Browsers
  • IndexedDB for Local database
  • IPFS for storing metadata related to the kitty such as Name, Trade status, Price, etc.
  • Jest as JavaScript testing framework

DApp Wireframes: Wallet wireframes

Ecosystem Fit​

Where and how does your project fit into the ecosystem?

  • TuxedoDApp seeks to propel the Tuxedo project forward by addressing its current limitations and showcasing the capabilities of Polkadot with the UTXO paradigm. By developing a user-friendly web wallet and a simple DApp, we aim to provide a valuable use case for users of this ecosystem with limited experience in UTXO.

Who is your target audience?

  • Developers and Enthusiasts from other blockchains: Developers interested in experimenting with another paradigm but also developers from other ecosystems more "bitcoin-based" that want to try Polkadot.

  • New Learners in Blockchain Development: Individuals who are new to blockchain development and want to learn by engaging with the Tuxedo framework. The Tuxedo Web Wallet and DApp can serve as educational tools, providing a practical environment for learners to understand and experiment with UTXO-based blockchain concepts.

Are there any other projects similar to yours in the Substrate/Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem?

  • Tuxedo is unique and we are not aware of any DApp implemented as of today.

Team 👥​

Team members​

  • Mario Altimari
  • Amit Nadiger


  • Registered Address: Address of your registered legal entity, if available. Please keep it in a single line. MLabs LTD, 1st-floor Citibase Millbank Tower,21-24 Millbank, LONDON SW1P 4QP, United Kingdom
  • Registered Legal Entity: MLabs LTD

Team's experience​

  • Mario has witnessed the evolution of the web from its early days to the present, as an IT expert with more than two decades of experience. He has worked on various projects with different roles involving Web 1, Web 2 and Web 3 technologies, and has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in each domain.
  • Amit is a seasoned software professional with over 18 years of extensive experience in the industry. His expertise spans a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Kotlin, and Rust, as well as diverse technologies such as Blockchain, Android app development, and AOSP (Android Open Source Project) development. In the blockchain space, Amit has showcased his proficiency in Pallet Development. He has successfully implemented advanced practices, including Prometheus and Grafana for metrics and telemetry, forkless upgrades of runtime, and pallets using Additionally, Amit has hands-on experience in Ink-based SmartContract development and deployment using a web interface in Substrate Blockchain, demonstrating his versatility in running nodes with different roles, such as Validator/Author and Full node, and configuring Aura and Grandpa through chain specification updates in customSpec.json. His diverse skill set showcases a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technologies and their practical applications. Amit has more than 100 technical blogs in Blockchain specifically in Substrate, Polkadot and Rust language, Wasm:

Nobody applied for a Web3 Foundation grant before.

Team Code Repos​

Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)​

Development Status 📖​

We have had conversations with the W3F team to validate the idea and find a starting point for collaboration

Development Roadmap 🔩​


  • Total Estimated Duration: 3 months
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 2 FTE
  • Total Costs: $24000 (USD)

Milestone 1 — Stage 1: Developing a simple Web Wallet​

  • Estimated duration: 1 month
  • FTE: 1
  • Costs: $10000 (USD)
0a.LicenseApache 2.0
0b.DocumentationWe will provide both inline documentation of the code and a basic tutorial that explains how a user can use the web wallet app for Tuxedo (Private key configuration, local URI to be used to connect to blockchain) and send test transactions, tuxedo balance, which will show how the new functionality works.
0c.Testing and Testing GuideCore functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests.
0d.ArticleWe will publish an article/workshop that explains how to use the web-based wallet which can be used to configure the user's private key and also get the information from the tuxedo based blockchain, how to do the transactions based on UTXO instead of account-based blockchain.
0e.Docker image containing any changes/issue fix in Tuxedo coreWill provide the docker image containing any changes or issue fix in Tuxedo core for wallet implementation
0f.Web-based walletWe will create a web-based wallet that will have functionalities like Storing the private key of the user,(send and receive) Transaction support, all the functionalities provided by the CLI-based wallet (VerifyCoin, SpendCoins, InsertKey, GenerateKey, ShowKeys, RemoveKey, ShowBalance, ShowAllOutputs)

Milestone 2 — Stage 2: Developing a basic DApp​

  • Estimated Duration: 2 months
  • FTE: 2
  • Costs: $14000 (USD)
0a.LicenseApache 2.0
0b.DocumentationWe will provide both inline documentation of the code and a basic tutorial that explains how a user can use the DApp app to breed kitties, view the kitties using the dashboard
0c.Testing and Testing GuideCore functions will be fully covered by comprehensive unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests.
0d.ArticleWe will publish an article/workshop that explains how to use the DApp which can be used to "create the kitty as NFT", Breeding of kitties, and also how to use the Dashboard
0e.Kitties Pieces: Docker imageDocker image containing the kitties which support new features such as "Mint kitty without mom and dad, Trade kitty, change ownership of kitty and search kitties"
0f.DAppWe will create a web-based Daap to support functionality such as "create the kitty as NFT", managing the ownership of NFT/Kitties, Breeding, Trading kitties, and showing info (meaning of "Management of NFT" is mentioned above in Dashboard section )
0g.Personalized DashboardWe will create a personal dashboard for users to view and manage their NFT-based kitty collections. Display detailed information about each NFT, including ownership and other details such as parents, dna, Tradable status, Price, etc

Future Plans​

Dynamic Wallet: Making the wallet dynamic by using a standard metadata format such in FRAME, between the wallet and the blockchain, so that any newly created pieces can be tested without extra modification. For this priority activity, we expect not less than 3 months of work with a budget estimation under $30k

Referral Program (optional) 💰​

Additional Information ➕​

How did you hear about the Grants Program? Meeting with the Web3 Foundation team at the beautiful Sub0 conference in Lisbon